Wednesday, August 25, 2010

'Til Autumn Comes...

Today is muuuuch cooler than it has been here in texas. the past few days have been in the triple digits. it has been raining all night, so today the air actually has a little chill to it. now all i can think about is fall!

i can't wait to not be disgusted by the thought of HOT coffee. i can't wait to drink hot tea and hot chocolate again.

i can't wait to ride my bike down bike trails with trees with changing leaves all along the sides.

 i can't wait to take a blanket and good book to the park by my house. i will just just sit there and read for hours while enjoying my surroundings.

 i can't wait to gather up leaf piles and then jump in them like a five year old.

 i can't wait to wear cute tights with my dresses.


just hurry up and get here autumn. we are going to get along just fine.

* all images found via weheartit

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